9 November 2016
Sabyoga founder Sabina Stehr's tips against winter blues
Vienna-based 'Sabyoga' founder Sabina Stehr is educated (Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Forrest Yoga) yoga teacher and yoga therapist (at healthPi Medical Center in collaboration with physicians). At her individual and group trainings, she focuses on health and balance.
Sabina Stehr elaborated 8 tips for the morning for activating the circulation, stimulating conscious breathing, and strengthening the body for example preventively against back pain. Additionally, the morning yoga routine helps boosting the production of hormones with positive effects on the mood and against blues during low-sun winter days - the so-called winter blues.
fig.: One of the eight Sabyoga morning exercises-sets is for stretching shoulders and the upper back. The image shows Sabyoga founder Sabina Stehr holding the left upper arm above the right upper arm. The yoga teacher's tip is to bring the two hand palms as close together as possible. The head should be relaxed; breath into the stretching and let loose. Then reverse the exercise: the right upper arm above the left.. The routine ends with both arms loosely hanging, breath in while lifting up shoulders, and while breathing out, bring down the shoulders.
Photo: (C) Rafaela Proell.
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